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Survey: Satisfaction ratings with city services ‘some of the very best’ in nation

Published on March 11, 2021 under RRnews

Round Rock residents have a very positive perception of the City, and satisfaction with City services is much higher than other communities, according to a recent community survey.

Nearly 90 percent of residents are satisfied with the overall quality of life in Round Rock, Jason Morado of ETC Institute told the Round Rock City Council in a March 11 presentation.

ETC conducted the City’s biennial survey by mail and online to a random sample of 550 residents. The results have a 95% level of confidence with a precision of at least plus-minus 4.2%.

Morado said the City is “moving in the right direction,” citing satisfaction ratings that have increased or stayed the same in 57 of 68 areas since 2018.

Eighty-seven percent of residents are satisfied with the overall quality of City services, compared to only 1% who were dissatisfied.

“Those are some of the very best numbers anywhere in the country; that’s a really outstanding ratio to have 87% of your residents satisfied and only 1% dissatisfied with the overall quality of City services,” Morado said.

Areas with the most significant satisfaction increases since the last survey two years ago include:

  • Traffic flow in and around neighborhoods (+18%)
  • How well the City is planning for growth (+13%)
  • Timing of traffic signals in the City (+10%)
  • Overall management of traffic flow by the City (+10%)
  • Availability of job opportunities (+9%)
  • Hike and bike trails in the City (+8%)
  • Transportation planning (+7%)
  • Maintenance of major City streets (+7%)
  • Maintenance of neighborhood streets (+7%)

There were no significant decreases since 2018.

When asked what are the three biggest issues facing Round Rock over the next five years, the top responses were:

  • Traffic, cited by 88% of respondents
  • Controlling rapid growth, 61%
  • High taxes/property taxes/finances, 53%

When compared to other cities, Round Rock’s satisfaction with the overall quality of City services rated 39% above the national average and 41% above the Texas average, Morado said. Round Rock rates above the national average and Texas average in 48 of 50 survey topics.

For example, satisfaction with the overall quality of customer service rated 29% above the national average and 31% above the Texas average.


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Source: City of Round Rock
