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TxDOT to host virtual open house for I-35 Georgetown to Round Rock project

Published on April 18, 2024 under RRnews

The Texas Department of Transportation will hold a virtual open house meeting with an in-person option to gather feedback on a new project along I-35 from SH 29/University Avenue to SH 45 North in Williamson County.

The virtual open house will consist of a pre-recorded video presentation and will include both audio and visual components. The virtual open house will be posted online starting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18. To view the virtual open house, review materials and make comments, visit and search for “I-35 Georgetown to Round Rock.”

The project proposes to add two non-tolled high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) managed lanes in each direction. The improvements would also include additional flyovers at I-35 and SH 45 North, ramp reconfigurations, bridge reconstruction or replacements, various intersection improvements and shared-use paths throughout the corridor.

The open house will be an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on proposed improvement concepts to address the growing safety and mobility needs of the region. The project team is currently developing a preliminary design for the proposed improvements. Feedback received will be evaluated to incorporate into the project design. 

All comments must be received on or before Friday, May 3 to be included in the official project documentation.

For inquiries, contact [email protected] or (737) 330-7164.

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Source: City of Round Rock
