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Round Rock to begin videoconferencing Council meetings

Published on March 27, 2020 under RRnews

The City of Round Rock will implement videoconferencing for public meetings starting April 1.

On March 16, 2020, Governor Abbott issued a proclamation suspending various provisions of Chapter 551, Government Code, relating to Open Meetings.

Beginning April 1 and continuing until further notice, the City will host public meetings that are subject to the Open Meetings Act through videoconferencing powered by Zoom, in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called “social distancing”). 

This will allow City Council members and board/commission members to attend meetings without having to physically be in the City Council chambers, should they so choose. Some members may still be present in the chambers while others will attend via videoconferencing. This technology will allow the public to not only watch meetings live and see all members that are in attendance, but also participate in meetings (when applicable) such as speaking during citizen communication and public hearings. (Please note: the three-minute time limit will still be in effect.)

What does this mean for the public and their participation in meetings?

If you only wish to watch a meeting and not speak, there is nothing you need to do but use one of the methods above to view the meeting live.

  • If you want to participate in the meeting by speaking during citizen communication or a public hearing, please visit our website at where a registration link will be posted on the calendar entry for each public meeting. Registration links are specific to each meeting. Please make sure you are registering for the meeting you wish to speak at. Members of the public will need to register in advance to speak by using the link provided on the calendar entry for that meeting and contacting the City Clerk at [email protected], providing your name, address, phone number and email, as well as the name of the meeting and agenda item number you wish to speak on.
  • Once registered, instructions will be emailed to you on how to join the videoconference or call in to the videoconference by phone.
  • As of March 26, 2020, the City Council chambers are still open to the public during public meetings. Members of the public are still able to attend the meetings in person if they choose to do so; however, social distancing will be practiced in the chambers and therefore seating is very limited.

Please visit for updates to any or all of the information provided above or contact Sara White, City Clerk, at (512) 218-5404.

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Source: City of Round Rock
